About us
Quality Assurance
Certified to ISO 9001:2015 by the LPCB for the manufacture & installation of fire resistant ductwork systems & penetration seals.

Fire Protection Ltd is certified to the quality system standard ISO 9001:2015 by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) for the manufacture and installation of fire resisting ductwork systems and penetration seals.
Additionally, our Fire Duct Installation has been certified by the LPCB under its LPS 1531 scheme and Warringtonfire's FIRAS and EWCL5 schemes as meeting the requirements for the approval and listing of companies installing fire-resisting ductwork systems.
Assessment and random surveillance visits by the accredited bodies mean that we are subjected to continued audits throughout the year, ensuring that our management, manufacturing and installation systems are always maintained at the highest of standards.
Quality all the way
Precise record keeping and labelling ensures that full traceability is available from material suppliers, through manufacture and spraying, to installation and sign-off.
Using 3D level 2 BIM technology from design to manufacture speeds the production process and reduces the risk of error, ensuring we can always deliver consistent quality in minimum time.
Quality assurance checks at each stage of engineering, manufacture and installation providing assurance that the installed BW11 & BW18 ductwork or enclosure system meets specification and quality standards.
With a thorough inspection process our customers can be confident that our products will be compliant and ready to install when delivered to site. Close supervision by FIRAS Supervisors ensures that the system will perform to the required specification in a critical fire situation.
Our mission is to provide an effective and hassle free environment for all of our Clients.

Ready to work
Get in touch with our fully trained and experienced team to discuss the manufacture and installation of our passive fire resisting systems, and how these third party accredited systems can be implemented within your project.